Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Travel Watch Winders: Four Reasons Why You Need One (Or More)!

A watch winder is designed for automatic watches. This type of watch doesn’t require a battery, or even hand-winding. Instead, they wind themselves throughout the day, due to your natural hand and arm movements. But, what happens when you have more than one of these watches? Obviously you can’t wear two watches at once without looking weird. This is where watch winders come in. Some are battery powered, while others come with a cord. Travel watch winders, which are smaller and more sleekly designed than their larger, home-bound counterparts, operate on batteries. If you travel a lot, or even switch watches after work, you need a travel watch winder. 

Here are four other reasons why:

1) They keep your watches safe.
Automatic watches are small, high quality pieces of machinery. They need to be properly cared for. This includes maintenance (some travel watch winder cases come with equipment for this), and storage. Travel watch winders double as cases, keeping your watches from getting bumped around in transit whether you are on a plane, a train or in a car. Due to their sturdy sides and padded interiors, your watches, when inserted properly, won’t be scratched or otherwise damaged.

2) Your watches will be wound and ready for wear, no matter how far you are from home.
If you travel a lot for business, you may need to carry several different watches with you – one for each suit and tie combination. After all, you need to make an impression on those you’re doing business with, and that includes matching your watch to your tie clip. This makes switching watches easy when you’re away from home, as they are already wound and ready to go every morning. You won’t have to fuss around with making sure your watch has the right time. After all, you have more important things to do, right?

3) You travel in style – your watches should too.
Travel watch winders are anything but utilitarian. Some, like the Orbita Sparta Deluxe, have a teak case with a black suede interior. The lid snaps shut and lacks a glass panel (unlike standard stay-at-home watch winders) leaving people guessing as to what’s within. The attachments on the inside are adjustable, making it easy to fit any watch into it. The case itself looks as though it would be as at home sitting on a nightstand in a four-star hotel or on a dresser in the stateroom of a yacht.

4) Nothing shows how well-prepared you are for business like a well-designed travel watch winder.
Impressing your colleagues is important, and nothing does so more than a sleek wooden case filled with high-end watches. One look at them - and the travel case, of course – and everyone you are doing business with will know that you are prepared for everything, any contingency that could possibly come up. That’s an important message to convey! offers a large selection of Orbita, Volta & Diplomat watch winders for automatic timepieces!